This was the first time I've given two talks in the same week. Whew!
On Monday, July 6, 2015 I spoke at the Windows App Developer group at the Microsoft office in Alpharetta.
On Thursday, July 9, 2015 I spoke to my group GGMUG (Gwinnett, Georgia Microsoft User Group).
I tried to make the talks be two sides of the same coin.
On Monday I tried to emphasize the bits that have not changed, and on Thursday I tried to show the things that have changed.
For the Monday talk I stayed in Windows and Visual Studio, but for Thursday I did my samples in Ubuntu Linux and a combination of the text editors Atom from GitHub and Code from Microsoft.
I'm afraid that the Monday talk suffered from the fact that the big differences in ASP 5 and the current version of MVC are all in the “getting started” stage.
That made it kind of hard to get everyone to the comfortable stage in one session.
I enjoyed the talks, and I hope the attendees did too.
If you follow along with the workshop portion at the end of the presentation, let me know how it goes.
You can check out the sample project I reference on GitHub at WinPHoneSpotter01.
This version works in Visual Studio 2015 with ASP 5 beta 4.