Click the image or [this link](/presentations/2015/10/CountdownToAsp5.pdf) to download the slides.
ASP 5 is on its way, are you ready?
This multi-page post is part of my presentation at Atlanta Code Camp 2015.
I've been talking about ASP 5 for about a year and a half at this point since it was called vNext.
Personally I'm really excited by the changes.
Since the early days of ASP.Net Microsoft did things their own way that made it hard to parlay your experience with ASP to any other web development environment.
With the re-think of ASP in the new version, they have moved closer to they way most other web environments work.
Along the way to making ASP work cross-platform they yanked out .Net code that was really only geared to working on a desktop and not a server. That means even Windows only developers will benefit from the cross platform work.
Back in the summer I did two talks in the same week. The first was for the Atlanta Windows App Developer group and the second was for the Gwinnett, Georgia, Microsoft User Group.
The first was a workshop where the attendees built their own ASP 5 apps.
At least that was the plan.
Turns out that by the time I finished talking about what was new in ASP 5, we were out of time. Doh!
For Code Camp I decided to skip the talk and jump directly to building the sample app. That way I could code the app live and just talk about what was new as we hit it.
The other posts in this set will give you some cheat sheets and a sample project you can build.
Here are the other posts in this series: