Ghost Tag Cloud Hack

Sunday, 02 February 2014
  • By
  • Jeff Ammons
  • Tags:
  • Blog
  • Node.js
  • Tips
  • Ghost

One major bit missing from the Ghost blog engine at the moment is a Tag Cloud. You know the little swarm of words that represent tags with more posts with a larger font.

The hold up is that at version 0.4 there is no plug-in API available yet. Once that becomes available, there will no doubt be lots of tag cloud plug-ins created.

For now, however, there aren't. But I want a tag cloud!

OK, super long story short: I made a hack project to create a tag cloud and tag posts listing page from what is available: your export file.

If you want to give the generator a try, you can grab it at GitHub.

###What You'll Need Node.js

A Ghost Blog


  1. Download the project into a directory of your choosing.

  2. Next go to /ghost/debug.

  3. Export your blog into the directory where you put the Ghost Tag Cloud Generator.

  4. Run node app.js

  5. Open tagPage.txt in a text editor.

  6. In you Ghost Blog create a static page named Posts By Tag and under settings make sure the page link is posts-by-tag.

  7. Paste the contents of tagPage.txt into this page.

  8. Open tagCloud.txt in a text editor and copy the contents.

  9. Paste the tag cloud HTML wherever in your blog you want it to appear. I put mine in a partial page in the theme I created.

If you look at the app.js code, you'll see there are a couple of booleans you can set to decide whether or not to use the date in the URLs.

If I thought this would be useful for a longer period, I'd make it much more friendly. Since I doubt it will be useful for more than a few weeks, I'm opting for quick and dirty.

That's it. You now have a tag cloud that will hopefully hold you until the real deal is available.