Update I have updated my slides to reflect changes I made for later versions of this talk.
I gave a talk at the August 2014 meeting of the Gwinnett, Georgia, Microsoft User Group (GGMUG) about what's coming in the next version of ASP.Net.
Click on the image of the cover to download my PowerPoint slides.
There is a ton of coolness in the next release of ASP.
In my talk I covered:
- Open Source Development of ASP MVC/Entity Framework/SignalR/etc.
- Cross Platform: Run on Windows, Linux or Mac!
- MVC Merged: MVC 6 is merging of MVC, Web API and Web Pages (Web Forms Not Included)
- Cloud Optimized Runtime: leaner, meaner, faster startup
- Super Modular: Replace most parts with your favorite project
- New Project System: Nuget + Proj file == project.json
- New Configuration System: Good-bye Web.Config, unless you want to keep it
- Dependency Injection: Out of the box DI, but replaceable with your favorite
- Command-line Tools: kvm, kpm, k
I tried to reassure everyone that most of these changes are either optional or can be over-ridden.
The command-line tools will also be available, but not required. Visual Studio will still be the KING!
I made the point that this release will mark the split between the MVC line and the Web Forms line. They will no longer be built on the same base.
Web Forms isn't going away, but I'm not sure it will receive super active development in the future, either.
Already most new features have started on the MVC side and later been added to Web Forms.
I don't have a crystal ball or access to secret Microsoft plans, but my guess is that MVC will be the right choice for new projects. I don't believe Microsoft could kill off Web Forms if they wanted to because SharePoint is built on it. I also don't believe they are likely to want to kill it off.
Here are the links I put on the Resources slide:
- http://www.asp.net/vnext
- https://github.com/aspnet/home
- http://davidfowl.com/asp-net-vnext-architecture/
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdev/archive/2014/06/17/dependency-injection-in-asp-net-vnext.aspx
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdev/archive/2014/08/12/develop-asp-net-vnext-applications-on-a-mac.aspx
Let me know what you think about the slides. Like them? Hate them? Let me know!
I do apologize to everyone who attended for missing the 1 hour mark I set for myself. I did give everyone a chance to leave at the 1 hour-ish point, so I hope nobody felt trapped. I tend to get excited about technology and love talking about it!